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First the PS4, now the XBox One with bad units


Can't anyone make a console that actually works.  You would imagine with the months, if not years of work and testing, these issues would be resolved.  After months of waiting, gamers on Friday finally got their hands on Microsoft's Xbox One, but not everyone was happy with their new console.

Since the next-generation system went on sale this past Friday, a number of early adopters have reported problems with the disc drive. Some say the drive is making loud noises when they insert a disc, while others say the console isn't reading their discs at all.

Many users have taken to YouTube to document the problem (below). After inserting a disc, you can hear loud, unpleasant grinding and clicking noises, and in one case it appeared the disc wouldn't even go into the system at all.

Others have taken to Reddit and Microsoft's Support Forum to complain about the problem, while some have left unhappy Xbox One reviews on Amazon.

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