The mysterious "Cloud"

Pittsburgh Tech Guy

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12 Days of Deals - Microsoft Style

Starting today through December 20, Microsoft is having a daily Christmas Deal.  Each day starting at 7:00 AM, you can try and get on the site (I tried, Microsoft seemed a bit overwhelmed with the volume, even at 11:00 AM).  Once on, there is a great deal waiting for you, assuming it is for something you actually want.  Today, it was the Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet for $199. The first 100 customers got it for $99, but as you can imagine that ship has sailed.  The $199 price is all day today until supplies are gone.  You have to visit the site each day to see what the deal is, best to get on around 7:00 AM, to get the fantastic price on whatever the deal is.  Go to the store here.

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